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VN YCB Glass Coating is a nano-technological coating that reduces glass wear, protects against grease stains, facilitates the removal of snow, ice and adhering insects, glass requires less washing and stays clean for a long time, neutralizes glare during rain and protects the driver from glare from oncoming cars.
Car glasses, and especially the windshield, are constantly exposed to dust, sand and small debris, which leave small scratches and chips. Even from the impact of the wipers, damage is formed in the form of dull pastes. When using brushes or a scraper, abrasions are formed. And chemicals can leave stains and cloudy stains.
If you do not protect the glass of the car in advance, then from such mechanical and chemical influences, they lose their transparency and their appearance deteriorates.
Scratches, abrasions and other defects lead not only to a deterioration in the appearance of the glass, but also to the loss of its optical properties. After professional polishing, defects are eliminated, the surface becomes smooth, and the glass returns to its transparency. The effect of the lens after such polishing is excluded, therefore, the glass will not distort the picture when looking at the road. Moreover, as a result of polishing, the glass will become so transparent and clean that you can create the feeling of its complete absence!
Thanks to the nano-technological coating, the glass will be protected from acid stains, chemical deposits and mineral inclusions that create haze, spoil the appearance and impair visibility of the road. Glass acquires such protective properties with the help of our agent, which consists of chemically resistant to acids – silicon dioxide Si02.
The silicon dioxide ceramic coating is not only resistant to chemical, but also to mechanical stress. After applying the product and its crystallization, a solid layer is formed, which allows it to withstand the mechanical effects of dust, sand and debris particles. The hardness of such a coating is 9H. Yes, this will not save you from rough mechanical impact, but it will definitely protect the glass from the negative effects of the environment.
The undoubted advantage is the cleanliness of car windows for a long time after washing. This is due to the fact that water, dust and other contaminants do not linger on a smooth polished surface. Such a perfectly polished surface is much easier to clean and retains a clean look for a long time. Moreover, on a rainy day, water drops do not stay well on the glass surface. Small drops are collected in large and flow down. And the wipers will even more effectively cope with any precipitation.
Not least an important property of the ceramic windshield coating is that it neutralizes glare during rain and protects the driver from blinding oncoming cars. This ensures comfortable driving even in the most adverse weather conditions, reduces eye strain and fatigue, especially at night.
There is no need to wait for the glass to begin to lose its appearance and its optical properties, because this can be prevented. We recommend pre-ordering the service of ceramic coating of car glass. But if time has already been lost, then our glass polishing service will return them to their former aesthetic appearance and restore transparency.
Depending on the nature and extent of the damage to your car windows, VN YCB’s polishing and protection specialists offer the most effective methods to achieve the best result and save you time and money. We use advanced technologies and only high-quality materials that will help transform and protect the glass of your car.
First, we need to conduct a preliminary inspection and assess the degree of damage to the glass of your car, since each situation is individual. After the assessment, considering your wishes, you will receive professional advice from the master.
Our specialists remove all contaminants and degrease the glass surface with special cleaning compounds. We also clean the inside of the glass. Damaged areas of glass are treated with compounds that eliminate haze on the surface. Finally, dry the glass.
At this stage, a thorough inspection of the surface of the car windows and an assessment of the condition are already being carried out. Depending on the nature and degree of damage, various types of polishing are used. Polishing any car glass requires the use of an abrasive paste. The composition is applied using the necessary equipment and dispenser. Scratches are processed with polishing wheels. Practical experience on the part of a specialist is important. Tool movement requires precision. The impact is performed with uniform pressure. A detailing center specialist inspects the windshield, evaluates the effectiveness of its polishing. Then the surface is treated with a special cleaning agent and wiped dry.
Glass polishing is not a panacea, abrasive surface treatment allows you to remove only the topmost layer up to 0.3 mm thick. For deep scratches, special pastes can be used. Defects will become less noticeable, but will not completely disappear.
Depending on your wishes, we can apply from one to three layers of ceramics. The application process of one layer is about two hours, and if additional layers are required, then the application time is much longer. For a ceramic coating to last about three years, one layer of coating is enough, but if you want to extend the service life, then additional layers of ceramic will be required. First, we evenly apply the liquid composition of ceramics to the entire surface using special tools, then we wait until the composition crystallizes and becomes solid. Then we carry out finishing polishing and washing.
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We offer to study the cost of ceramic coating of a car glass and find a suitable option. Every situation is different, every client is unique. The amount depends on the class of the car and the amount of damage. To find out the approximate cost of the service for your car, you can use our price calculator.
We love what we do. Rate it with us on photo reports! See how you can protect your car glass from mechanical damage by performing a ceramic polishing procedure. Experience the effect of applying ceramic to your car glass at our VN Your Car Beauty Center by watching branded themed videos. We have created an interesting selection that helps to see the work of masters from the outside. Come visit us and appreciate the effect!
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