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Interior valet

VN YCB Interi­or Valet - is not just a com­plete dry clean­ing of your car interi­or, it is also a thor­ough care for all interi­or details – clean­ing, pol­ish­ing and protection.

A neat, well-groomed interi­or will allow every­one in the car to feel as com­fort­able as pos­sible and cre­ate the most favor­able impres­sion of the car own­er himself.

Advantages and benefits of full car interior detailing

Dur­ing fre­quent trips, the seats and uphol­stery of the car become covered with dust, stains and dirt appear on them. Traces of dirty or greasy hands, spilled drinks, food crumbs. Met­al, plastic and lacquered parts lose their appear­ance due to small scratches and scuffs.

We pro­duce a whole range of car interi­or care to make it look presentable.

Removal of all contaminants

When dry-clean­ing the salon, we use spe­cial tools and tech­no­lo­gies that require cer­tain qual­i­fic­a­tions. Interi­or clean­ing car­ried out by a spe­cial­ist allows you to refresh the seats, floor, ceil­ing, side walls of the cab­in, the front end and oth­er parts, as well as achieve impec­cable clean­li­ness in the most inac­cess­ible places. The interi­or will become clean and tidy, the col­or will become sat­ur­ated, a shine will appear without traces, the seat uphol­stery will restore its pre­vi­ous col­or and all unpleas­ant odors will dis­ap­pear in the cabin.

Disinfection from harmful microorganisms

Interi­or clean­ing is partly a dis­in­fect­ing pro­ced­ure. The products used in clean­ing des­troy most of the microor­gan­isms harm­ful to humans and micro­scop­ic dust mites, which can cause res­pir­at­ory dis­eases in large accu­mu­la­tions. In addi­tion, the pro­ced­ure com­pletely rids the interi­or of unpleas­ant linger­ing odors, such as the per­sist­ent smell of cigar­ette smoke. Thus, the very atmo­sphere of the cab­in is improved and becomes safer for the driver and passengers.

Restoring the best-looking parts

We care­fully remove all scuffs and scratches from lacquered and chrome-plated interi­or parts. We return the ori­gin­al bril­liance and col­or sat­ur­a­tion. All parts will shine, as if they were replaced with new ones.

Protection against dirt and water

Thanks to the pro­tect­ive coat­ing, the interi­or will always look well-groomed and clean. Nan­o­particles will not allow drops of fat to be absorbed, they can be erased without leav­ing marks. After pro­cessing, the mater­i­al will become water­proof, water will col­lect in drops and drain. Leath­er and fab­ric cov­er­ings will stop absorb­ing dirt, so dirt will be eas­ily removed with a wet clean­ing. Dust will not be attrac­ted to the treated sur­face. It will be easi­er to remove.

Scratch and UV protection

The film formed on the sur­face after pro­cessing not only pro­tects against mech­an­ic­al dam­age, but also pro­tects interi­or ele­ments and parts from fad­ing under the influ­ence of sun­light. Fin­ish­ing fab­rics will be saved from scuffs and pre­ma­ture wear. Lacquered, plastic and chrome parts will become res­ist­ant to scratches and abrasions.

That is why we recom­mend order­ing a com­pre­hens­ive ser­vice of full car interi­or detailing.
Afford­able Prices
High Qual­i­fied Specialists
Top Qual­ity Products
Fully Insured

What is included in the Interior Valet service for a car

Interi­or valet includes a whole com­plex of interi­or care. This is the clean­ing of seats, ceil­ing and floor, plastic and lacquered pan­els, as well as all met­al parts. For clean­ing, we use effect­ive chem­ic­als that can remove even old stains, as well as power­ful equip­ment: a wash­ing vacu­um clean­er, a steam gen­er­at­or, an auto-hair dry­er, and more. We pro­fes­sion­ally clean both tex­tiles and leath­er. After wash­ing and clean­ing, we pol­ish the chrome parts and cov­er them with a pro­tect­ive coat­ing. We also cov­er all tex­tile or leath­er sur­faces with spe­cial water-repel­lent pro­tect­ive compounds.

Vehicle inspection, appraisal, and consultation

First, we need to con­duct a pre­lim­in­ary inspec­tion of the interi­or and assess the degree of dam­age to its ele­ments, since each situ­ation is indi­vidu­al. After the assess­ment, con­sid­er­ing your wishes, you will receive pro­fes­sion­al advice from the master.

Car interior cleaning

For interi­or clean­ing, we use effect­ive chem­ic­als and pro­fes­sion­al power­ful equip­ment. The whole pro­ced­ure allows you to remove the most dif­fi­cult pol­lu­tion, which, it would seem, can­not be com­pletely removed. These stains include stains from spilled cof­fee or drinks, old grease stains, or sticky chew­ing gum residue. Sub­stances that are part of spe­cial deter­gents, get rid of microor­gan­isms. Out­side odors are elim­in­ated in the cab­in. In the interi­ors of mod­ern cars, a vari­ety of mater­i­als can be used, from vari­ous types of fab­rics to genu­ine leath­er. Our mas­ters indi­vidu­ally select a set of clean­ers and deter­gents that are suit­able for your car. What is very import­ant – clean­ing products are developed con­sid­er­ing the char­ac­ter­ist­ics of a mod­ern car and are abso­lutely safe for intern­al elec­trics. And also they are safe for humans and do not cause allergies.

Polishing of plastic, lacquered and chrome parts

After clean­ing, a thor­ough inspec­tion of the sur­faces of the interi­or ele­ments is car­ried out. The neces­sary means and tools for high-qual­ity sur­face treat­ment are selec­ted. For pol­ish­ing plastic, lacquered and chrome parts, vari­ous spe­cial­ized tools and meth­ods are used. At this stage, the mas­ter elim­in­ates cloud­i­ness, scuffs and vari­ous kinds of scratches, so that the sur­face is per­fectly smooth and shiny.

Nano protection of car interior elements

We will pro­cess leath­er, tex­tile and plastic interi­or ele­ments with spe­cial products cre­ated based on nan­o­tech­no­logy. These products cre­ate an invis­ible film on the sur­face of the seats, uphol­stery, and oth­er interi­or details. After treat­ment, the skin will become elast­ic, shiny, and soft. There will be no tur­bid­ity and cracks on it. And the sub­stances in the com­pos­i­tion of pro­tect­ive equip­ment will sig­ni­fic­antly reduce the harm­ful effects of the sun on interi­or ele­ments, espe­cially the front. At the same time, the applied ceram­ic coat­ings reduce the degree of sur­face heat­ing, and they heat the air in the cab­in less.

Thanks to this approach, the interi­or of your car will be like new for a very long time. Come to us and appre­ci­ate the qual­ity of work!

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We will call back ASAP

Get advice by phone +44 (7922) 200 250 or What­s­App, or leave your phone num­ber.
Our man­ager will con­tact you and answer all your questions.

Photos “before” and “after” full interior detailing

The res­ult is worth it!
Interi­or valet made!

Prices for interior valet

We offer to study the cost of full detail­ing of a car interi­or and find a suit­able option. Every situ­ation is dif­fer­ent, every cli­ent is unique. The amount depends on the class of the car and the amount of dam­age. To find out the approx­im­ate cost of the ser­vice for your car, you can use our price calculator.

Sorry, the ser­vice price cal­cu­lat­or is not avail­able at the moment.

Select body type:

Select the nature of the scratches in for your car interior:


We love what we do. Rate it with us on video and photo reports! See how you can pro­tect your car interi­or from mech­an­ic­al dam­age, wath­er and oth­er pol­lu­tion. We have cre­ated an inter­est­ing selec­tion that helps to see the work of mas­ters from the out­side. Come vis­it us and appre­ci­ate the effect!


Thanks for choos­ing us! Reviews and recom­mend­a­tions of our cus­tom­ers are the most valu­able and import­ant for us. Thank you for your kind sin­cere words and object­ive assess­ment of our work. You help us become even better!

I work as a pro­fes­sion­al chauffeur
I work as a pro­fes­sion­al chauf­feur, mostly in cent­ral Lon­don, and it is imper­at­ive that the vehicle is immacu­late. Not only are the products high qual­ity, but what I appre­ci­ate is the amount of time I save apply­ing them. It’s amaz­ing how quick they work. 
Igor Raizer­ov
Fant­ast­ic service…
Quick and fast ser­vice I had scratches on my car over night call the com­pany in the morn­ing they arrived after couples hours pol­ished and detail­ing paint with spe­cial equip­ment looks like new peace of mind Thanks 
Shehan Jay
Bril­liant service
Bril­liant ser­vice! Really makes the car look fab­ulous!!! Has he’s owe products which makes the car look show­room con­di­tion! Com­pet­it­ive pri­cing. All the best! 
Artan Myha
Great ser­vice matched with great…
Great ser­vice matched with great products. Would I recom­mend yes all day gong. 
Mr Muslim Peerma­homed
The best ser­vice for al car cleaning…
The best ser­vice for al car clean­ing and reiable with good exper­i­ence of the busi­ness aroud i recom­men­ded for everybody 
Dari­us Stap­u­tis
Quick and reli­able work
Quick and reli­able work, if you can see your reflec­tion on the car you can bravely say amazing 
Mat­ilda Vec­ani
I was delighted with the ser­vice I…
I was delighted with the ser­vice I received from VN your car beauty and I would recom­mend to any­body. Great price too. 
Tom Gee
Top qual­ity service
Top qual­ity ser­vice. Really nice job done to my car at very good price. Scratches removed, all paint­work detailed and pro­tect­ive coat­ing applied. Car looks like new again. 100% recommended 
S Buzhala
Excel­lent ser­vice this guy is…
Excel­lent ser­vice Those days you need a pro­fes­sion­al people and I here they are Thank you Well done boys Highly recom­mend you to everyone. 
For your Car needs these guys are best in London
These guys are very pro­fes­sion­al and pas­sion­ate. I have used them on sev­er­al occa­sions and every time they passed with fly­ing col­ours. Mr Val­das will be recom­men­ded to my friends and fam­ily for there car needs inside or the out­side. Paint to pol­ish. Best com­pany I have come across London. 
Abbas Kay­ani
They have detail­ing on my car a great…
They have detail­ing on my car a great job.would def­in­itely recommend. 
Danut Motoc
Excel­lent ser­vice ‚very professional…
Excel­lent ser­vice ‚very pro­fes­sion­al people and products Highly recom­mend you to everyone. 
Olga Witek
Excel­lent service
I needed to get a deep scratch repaired on my car and chose VN your Car Beauty. Deal­ing with Val­das was easy, he explained what needed to be done in an easy to under­stand man­ner. Work­man­ship was excel­lent and I would def­in­itely recom­mend this com­pany as a reput­able com­pany deliv­er­ing a 5 star service 

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We will call back ASAP

Get advice by phone +44 (7922) 200 250 or What­s­App, or leave your phone num­ber.
Our man­ager will con­tact you and answer all your questions.



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